Guan Yin Statue Hong Kong- One of the World’s Tallest Statues

Guan Yin Statue of Bodhisattva Guanyin

Throughout history, statues stood in cultures like animals and humans whether they were alive, or dead, real or mythical, spiritual or secular.  All those statues are as iconic as they are intricate. All these statues are true representatives of worship. In the image of the Divine and gods being of their respective beliefs, faith, hope, and salvation, the followers worship them. In this blog post, we briefly describe Guan Yin Statue, one of the tallest statues in the world. Your precious support is necessary for our encouragement so that we provide you with the latest informative blogs on Hong Kong tours.

Construction of Guan Yin Statue

Guan Yin Statue is a 108-meter-tall statue of Bodhisattva Guanyin located on the south coast of Chinas Island province Hainan. The statue is a symbol of the Goddess of mercy and protector of children. Due to its height, it is the world’s 14th tallest statue. The construction of this statue was completed in six years and finally opened in 2005.

The statue is divided into different sections. The main body, the lotus platform, and the carved base with an entrance at the bottom. The statue is made beautiful by almost 100kg of Gold along with 121 carats of South African Diamonds and many more.  One more credit also goes to China among the 148 tallest statues, China is home to 32. Most of them are Buddhist statues. Now, Guan Yin Statue attracts millions of tourists from all over the world.

Guan Yin Statue of Bodhisattva Guanyin

Objects of Guan Yin Statue

Guan Yin Statue has three faces that overlook east, west, and north at the same time. All these three faces represent respective things;

  • The first face is called Aspect holding a sutra symbolizing Wisdom.
  • The second aspect holds the lotus which is representative of Peace.
  • The third aspect holds the Rosary representing Compassion.

The aspect holding the Sutra faces inland, while other aspects face the South China Sea. These three aspects are true representatives of Guanyin’s blessings and protection to China and other globes where Buddhism followers live.


Gestures of these three, wisdom, compassion, and peace are also different. The wisdom aspect gestures “mudra of Discussion” with his right hand which is a symbol of discussion and Buddhist doctrine.

The second figure Compassion has her lowered arms and her hands closed which are a symbol of the short period after Buddha attained insight by stranding in front of the Buddha Tree without moving an eye for seven days.

The third Peace figure displays “Pang Ham Yati” which looks like a stop sign. It’s a representation of Buddha’s peace with her relatives.

Guan Yin Statue as a Tour Destination

Tourists can explore 50 square kilometers of park grounds which are dedicated to Buddhism and its culture. These grounds can be explored on foot or through a hoop-of hoop-on tram service.

For turning off the scriptures try to find out Ring gallery where you can rotate all the 66 scripture bobbins. Buddhist followers believe that doing so is similar to reading this scripture thousands of times after that you will find wisdom and success. Pin your wishes and hopes, prayers for family or loved ones, silk ribbons or small adorned with red tassels, and submit them to divine creation by hanging them around the park.

You can also experience the culture and customs of the Hainan people. Regardless of your religion, you can also visit the Guan Yin statue as a tourist zone where you can learn about Buddhism, its history, and its evolution.


What does the Guan Yin Statue symbolize?

Guan Yin’s Statue represents her spiritual connection to water and stands her as a patroness of fisherman. The title “Goddess of Mercy” and history represent the philosophy behind this statue. It is also revered by Taoists and Buddhists. Due to its white flowing robe, it is famous as a symbol of purity. Most Chinese families pray to Guan Yin for compassion and strength.

About Bashir Shaheen

Bashir Ahmad shaheen here, and I am a storyteller. Despite not being a professional tour guide, I am thrilled to share and write about the fun things to do in Hong Kong, the untold stories & even my personal observations.

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