Hong Kong Touch Rugby­­-Non-Contact Rugby Experience

Hong Kong Touch Rugby

Hong Kong is a bustling city known for its vibrant culture, stunning skyline, and diverse sporting scene. Among its many sports offerings, Hong Kong Touch Rugby­­ shines as a unique and exhilarating choice for both locals and expatriates alike.

Touch rugby is a modified version of traditional rugby. This focuses on skill, agility, and teamwork rather than physical contact. Played on a smaller field with almost six players on each team, the objective is to score tries by advancing the ball over the opponent’s try line and touching it down. Unlike full-contact rugby, players only need to touch their opponents with their hands. Ensure a safer and more inclusive experience for players of all backgrounds and fitness levels.

Hong Kong Touch Rugby­­ Rules

  • The absence of tackles and collisions distinguishes touch rugby from its full-contact counterpart. Players must touch their opponents with their hands to stop their progress.
  • The attacking team has a limited number of touches (almost six) to move the ball towards the opponent’s try line. After the sixth touch, the ball is turned over to the defending team.
  • Swift passing, strategic movement, and quick thinking are essential in touch rugby. Players must use their agility and teamwork to outmaneuver the opposition.
  • Players are required to be at least 5 meters away from the person playing the ball. This ensures a fair and open playing field. Points are earned by touching the ball down over the opponent’s try line. Each try gives them one point worth.
The Girl having ball in her hand


Touch rugby is an excellent cardiovascular workout that enhances endurance, agility, and coordination in the players. The non-contact nature of touch rugby makes it accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels, fostering a diverse and welcoming community. Joining a touch rugby league or team is a remarkable way to meet new people, build friendships, and be part of a supportive community. Touch rugby hones passing accuracy, strategic thinking, and decision-making under pressure, skills that transcend the field.

Hong Kong Touch Rugby­­ is a variant of rugby that emphasizes running, agility, and passing skills rather than physical contact. It is a non-contact version of rugby that maintains many of the core rules and concepts of the traditional game while eliminating the physical tackles. Instead of tackling opponents to the ground, players must simply touch their opponents with their hands.

In Hong Kong, touch rugby has gained popularity as a recreational and competitive sport. It is often played in all over the country including leagues, tournaments, and casual settings. The sport offers a way for people of various fitness levels and ages to enjoy rugby without the risk of injury associated with full-contact rugby.

Touch rugby is played on a smaller field than traditional rugby, typically with six players on each team. The objective is to score tries by advancing the ball over the opponent’s try line and touching it down.

The Hong Kong Touch Rugby­­ community organizes events, leagues, and tournaments for players of different skill levels, ranging from beginners to experienced players. These events provide opportunities for social interaction, fitness, and friendly competition.


Hong Kong Touch Rugby­­ is more than just a sport; it’s a lifestyle that embodies fitness, community, and the joy of competition. With its emphasis on agility, teamwork, and inclusivity, touch rugby stands as a testament to the city’s dynamic spirit. Whether you’re seeking a way to stay active, make friends, or simply experience the rush of the game, Hong Kong Touch Rugby welcomes you with open arms.

About Bashir Shaheen

Bashir Ahmad shaheen here, and I am a storyteller. Despite not being a professional tour guide, I am thrilled to share and write about the fun things to do in Hong Kong, the untold stories & even my personal observations.

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