Discover Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail: A Journey Through Time

Discover Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail: A Journey Through Time

Embark on a captivating journey through the centuries as you explore the Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail in the New Territories of Hong Kong. Nestled in the shadow of the Leaping Dragon Mountain, this 2.6 km trail offers a walk back in time, unveiling the well-preserved relics of the 13th-century Tang clan. Join us on a virtual tour to uncover the fascinating history, traditional life, and cultural treasures that define the Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail.

Unveiling the Tang Clan Legacy

Lung Yeuk Tau, or the “Mountain of the Leaping Dragon,” is steeped in history and named after the legendary dragon that once inhabited the nearby mountain range. The Tang clan, originating from Jishui in Jiangxi province, holds a unique place in history, tracing its lineage back to the eldest son of a Southern Song Dynasty princess. The clan’s migration to Lung Yeuk Tau at the end of the Yuan dynasty laid the foundation for the establishment of the “Five Ways and Six Tsuens,” including iconic walled villages like Lo Wai, Ma Wat Wai, and Tung Kok Wai.

Traditional Village Customs

The Tangs of Lung Yeuk Tau continue to preserve their rich cultural heritage through traditional village customs. Visitors have the opportunity to witness communal worship in spring and autumn, celebrate the Tin Hau Festival, and partake in special ceremonies such as lantern lighting for newborns and ancestral worship feasts. The Tai Ping Ching Chiu festival, held once every decade, adds a unique dimension to the cultural tapestry of Lung Yeuk Tau.

Heritage Trail Exploration

The Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail, inaugurated on December 4, 1999, seamlessly links various historic sites, offering a convenient half-day excursion. The trail showcases the architectural splendor of the Tang clan, featuring traditional Chinese buildings, temples, ancestral halls, and walled villages. Notable stops along the way include the Tang Chung Ling Ancestral Hall, Tin Hau Temple, and the picturesque Tung Kok Wai.

Trail Guide and Visitor Tips

Before embarking on your journey, make sure to obtain the Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail Guide. Available at Tang Chung Ling Ancestral Hall or the Hong Kong Discovery Centre in Kowloon Park. Visitors are encouraged to respect the residents and be mindful of potential changes in the opening hours of historic buildings. The trail offers a glimpse into a bygone era, and the free guide booklet provides valuable insights into the history and significance of each site.

Getting There and Back

For an easy and accessible trip, take the MTR (East Rail) to Fanling Station, then hop on the green minibus 54K to reach the trailhead. Alternatively, KMB bus services 78K or 79K offer another option. The Lung Yeuk Tau bus stop serves as a mid-way point along the trail.


Immerse yourself in the captivating history of Lung Yeuk Tau. Where the echoes of the Tang clan’s legacy resound through time. The Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail promises a memorable exploration of ancient traditions, architectural marvels, and the enduring spirit of a community that has preserved its heritage against the backdrop of the Leaping Dragon Mountain. Embark on this journey and let the past come alive on every step of the trail.

About Bashir Shaheen

Bashir Ahmad shaheen here, and I am a storyteller. Despite not being a professional tour guide, I am thrilled to share and write about the fun things to do in Hong Kong, the untold stories & even my personal observations.

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