Tung Chung Fort Hong Kong-A Historical Walk in Lantau Island

Tung Chung Fort Hong Kong-A Historical Walk in Lantau Island

Nestled near Tung Chung on Lantau Island, Tung Chung Fort Hong Kong stands as a testament to the region’s rich history and strategic significance. From its humble origins in the Southern Song dynasty to its role in repelling pirates and serving as a British police station, this fort has witnessed centuries of change. Tung Chung Fort Hong Kong, flanked by the villages of Sheung Ling Pei and Ha Ling Pei, boasts a storied past dating back to the Southern Song dynasty. Originally constructed in the Shun Hei era (1174-1189) to combat smuggling activities. The fort evolved over the centuries to become a crucial naval headquarters during the Qing dynasty. Today, it stands as a designated monument, offering visitors a glimpse into Hong Kong’s bygone eras. Let’s delve into the captivating history and remarkable features of this Fort

History of Tung Chung Fort

The history of Tung Chung Fort is steeped in military strategy and maritime defense. Constructed in the 12th century to combat smuggling. It was later fortified during the Qing dynasty to fend off pirates prowling the Bay of Tung Chung. Occupied by various authorities over the years, including the British and Japanese during World War II. The fort has undergone numerous transformations, serving as a police station, college, and primary school.


Tung Chung Fort’s architectural marvels and historical artifacts provide a window into its illustrious past. The fort, built from granite blocks, features three gateways adorned with Chinese inscriptions. Six ancient cannons, dating back to the early 19th century, stand proudly on the northern rampart. These cannons, along with the fort’s strategic location overlooking the sea route to Guangzhou, highlight its importance in maritime defense.


Visitors can easily access Tung Chung Fort via multiple transportation options. From the Mui Wo (Silvermine Bay) bus terminal, take the no. 3 bus to the Tung Chung terminus, followed by a short half-mile walk to the fort. Alternatively, hop on the no. 13 or 14 bus and utilize the MTR for convenient travel. Please note that permission is required for driving into the park surrounding the fort.


Tung Chung Fort stands as a testament to Hong Kong’s rich history and strategic significance. From its origins as a defense against smuggling to its role in repelling pirates and serving various administrative functions, the fort encapsulates centuries of maritime heritage. Whether exploring its historical artifacts or admiring its architectural splendor. A visit to Tung Chung Fort Hong Kong is sure to evoke a sense of wonder and appreciation for Hong Kong’s vibrant past.

About Bashir Shaheen

Bashir Ahmad shaheen here, and I am a storyteller. Despite not being a professional tour guide, I am thrilled to share and write about the fun things to do in Hong Kong, the untold stories & even my personal observations.

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