Sai Kung District Hong Kong-A Perfect Blend of Nature and Culture

Sai Kung District Hong Kong-A Perfect Blend of Nature and Culture

Nestled in the southeastern part of Hong Kong, Sai Kung District is a hidden gem that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and a laid-back lifestyle. Known as the ‘back garden of Hong Kong,’ this district boasts fishing villages, scenic landscapes, hiking trails, and pristine beaches. In this blog post, we’ll explore the wonders of Sai Kung, from its vibrant town center to the tranquil country parks and captivating islands.

Sai Kung Town

The heart of Sai Kung lies in its bustling town center, where the vibrant atmosphere is fueled by local fishermen selling fresh catches directly from their boats. Visitors can indulge in finger-licking seafood dishes at Sai Kung Market and Sai Kung Hoi Pong Square. During summer, the pier becomes a hub for junk trips, offering a quintessential Hong Kong experience. The town is not just a tourist attraction; it’s also a hub for the Age-friendly Hong Kong initiative since 2008, emphasizing community involvement and a bottom-up approach.

Read More: Sai Kung Town

Scenic Beauty and Outdoor Adventures

Sai Kung District is renowned as the ‘leisure garden of Hong Kong’ for its stunning natural scenery. From Clear Water Bay to Sai Kung Country Park, the area remains unspoiled by urbanization. Nature enthusiasts can explore country parks. Including the Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark, Sai Kung Country Park East and West, and Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park. The famous 100-kilometer MacLehose Trail starts in Sai Kung, offering hiking opportunities for both beginners and seasoned trekkers.

Historical and Cultural Treasures

Beyond its natural beauty, Sai Kung is home to several historic buildings, temples, and cultural sites. Tin Hau Temple at Joss House Bay, Che Kung Temple at Ho Chung, and St. Joseph’s Chapel at Yim Tin Tsai provide a glimpse into the district’s rich history. Festive events organized by the locals throughout the year add a lively energy to the district.

Sai Kung Peninsula and Tseung Kwan O

Sai Kung District comprises the southern half of the Sai Kung Peninsula, the Clearwater Bay Peninsula, and a strip of land east of Kowloon. Tseung Kwan O, a booming new town, is also part of Sai Kung District, connecting the peninsula with the Kowloon urban area. The area’s geography, characterized by coastal landscapes and small villages, makes it a peaceful contrast to the densely populated urban areas of Hong Kong.

Beaches and Islands

Sai Kung boasts some of the cleanest beaches in Hong Kong, including Clearwater Bay First Beach, Long Ke Wan, and Silverstrand Beach. The district is also home to numerous islands, each with its charm. From Kau Sai Chau to Sharp Island, these islands provide a perfect backdrop for summer boat trips and outdoor activities.

Education, Transportation, and Community

Sai Kung District offers a diverse range of educational institutions. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is located on Clearwater Bay Road. The district’s transportation network includes the MTR system’s Tseung Kwan O line, connecting the area to Kowloon. The community is served by Sai Kung Magazine and Saikung, keeping residents and visitors informed about local events and attractions.


Sai Kung District is not just a geographical location; it’s a vibrant tapestry of nature, culture, and community spirit. Whether you’re exploring the lively town center, hiking through country parks, or enjoying the pristine beaches. Sai Kung promises a unique and unforgettable experience. Embrace the ‘back garden of Hong Kong’ and discover the hidden treasures that make Sai Kung a must-visit destination.

About Bashir Shaheen

Bashir Ahmad shaheen here, and I am a storyteller. Despite not being a professional tour guide, I am thrilled to share and write about the fun things to do in Hong Kong, the untold stories & even my personal observations.

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