Explore Tang Lung Chau Market in Causeway Bay Hong Kong

Explore Tang Lung Chau Market in Causeway Bay Hong Kong

When it comes to Causeway Bay, most people immediately think of shopping and bustling crowds. However, beyond the vibrant retail scene lies a hidden gem that often escapes the attention of even the locals – Tang Lung Chau Market. Built in the 1960s, this two-tone architectural marvel is a classic example of a functionalist design that not only serves its purpose but also boasts a unique aesthetic. In this blog post, we’ll take you on a journey to discover the secrets and charm of Tang Lung Chau Market, nestled in the heart of Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

Architecture and Design

Tang Lung Chau Market stands out with its rectangular concrete structure, showcasing functionalist architecture that was ahead of its time. The design of each face varies to suit its function, creating a subtle dynamic. The east-facing façade features a deeper grid-shaped brise-soleil. While the north and south facades incorporate small windows and a large perforated wall for a soft and airy touch. The lattice wall design not only allows natural daylight to pass through but also makes the indoor light visible from the outside during the evening. This architectural ingenuity adds a touch of sophistication to the market.

Unique Features

One of the notable features of Tang Lung Chau Market is its purposeful separation of delivery and vendor circulation spaces from the main trading area. In the 1960s, when the project was assigned, creating a “backstage area” in a small and congested space was no easy task. However, the designer successfully concealed service passages behind the stalls. Connected with dedicated service lifts, platforms, unloading areas, and entrances catering to the diverse needs of different vendors.

Location and Accessibility

Tang Lung Chau Market is conveniently located at 59 Jardine’s Bazaar, Causeway Bay. With a rating for excellence, it’s evident that this market has something special to offer beyond the usual shopping experience. The market comprises two floors – the ground floor houses stalls offering a variety of goods, including meat, fresh fruit, poultry, groceries, fresh fish, and vegetables. The second floor serves as the street office and toilet area, providing essential facilities without compromising on space for trading.

Historical Significance

Completed in 1963, Lantern Chau Market, as it was originally named, holds historical significance. It was named after Lantern Island (Kili Island), which was eventually merged with Hong Kong Island through the Causeway Bay Reclamation Project starting in 1951. Today, despite its age, Tang Lung Chau Market stands as a testament to the past, offering a glimpse into the rich history of Causeway Bay.


Tang Lung Chau Market in Causeway Bay is not just a place for shopping. It’s an architectural gem that tells a story of innovation and functionality. As you wander through its two floors, appreciate the unique design elements, and discover the market’s historical roots. Venture beyond the mainstream attractions and explore the hidden beauty of Lung Chau Market for a truly enriching experience in the heart of Causeway Bay.

About Bashir Shaheen

Bashir Ahmad shaheen here, and I am a storyteller. Despite not being a professional tour guide, I am thrilled to share and write about the fun things to do in Hong Kong, the untold stories & even my personal observations.

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