A symphony of lights- Detailed Guideline Hong Kong Night Show

Symphony of Lights

A symphony of lights is a daily light show across Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong. According to Guinness World Records, due to the participation of 47 buildings, it is one of the largest music and light shows in the world. The show is organized by the Hong Kong Tourism Board every night with good weather according to Hong Kong time 8 p.m. Taking place along Victoria Harbor it is one of the largest shows since its launch in 2004. Symphony of Lights just for 10 minutes.

The show is free for tourists as well as locals. It involves all the nearby buildings in Victoria Harbor. The laser lights and beams go in synch with the music. But it depends upon your location whether you are hearing music or not. The best site to enjoy the Symphony of Lights is from the Tsim Sha Tsui. This multi-media show is the signature icon of Hong Kong, representing its dynamic energy and contrasting culture. In short, it’s a great enjoyment site for millions of tourists from all over the world since 2004.


Special pyrotechnic fireworks are also added to the show on the rooftops of participating buildings on both sides of the harbor. But these fireworks are added on special events including Chinese New Year and Christmas. Music narration changes over days. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday narration is in English. On Tuesday mandarin narration is offered to tourists.

When tropical cyclone signal no.3 is issued by the Hong Kong observatory at 3 p.m. or after that on that day, the show doesn’t occur that night. Tropical cyclone signals are set that indicate threats or some effects of the tropical cyclone. The show may be suspended due to some serious threats without any notice. During nights of earth hour and days of mourning, the show is also suspended.

Buildings having Symphony of Lights

Initially, the selection of buildings for Symphony of Lights was made based on their infrastructure. To create a big spectacle, laser lights, and lightning installation were made from previous shows with a distinctive design. The selection of lights for buildings occurs based on creative intention and that building’s location on the skyline. In short, all the nearby buildings play their role in encouraging the beauty and interest of tourists.

Lightning made on the night show of Symphony

Where to Watch Symphony of Lights?

Different spots are offered to tourists for Symphony of Lights enjoyment. Millions of tourists gather to see this stunning show. So, make your arrival on time for a perfect spot. You can enjoy Symphony of Lights from;

You can also enjoy this show through the Water Taxis open deck during your journey. Rosewood Hong Kong restaurant also offers a tourist Symphony of Lights show from its dining room and seven private rooms.

About Bashir Shaheen

Bashir Ahmad shaheen here, and I am a storyteller. Despite not being a professional tour guide, I am thrilled to share and write about the fun things to do in Hong Kong, the untold stories & even my personal observations.

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